What is a Legacy Contact and why should you have one?

by Eric Wert

We are accustomed to protecting our legacy for future generations by setting up a Will or Trust to ensure our wishes are carried out as we intend. But what about a plan for your online accounts and digital devices? It's a relatively new concept but it falls under future planning and asset protection. Many apps and social media platforms include a Legacy Contact feature to help you plan for the future of your accounts when you're no longer in front of the screen.

A legacy contact is someone you choose to have access to your data on mobile devices and digital platforms in the event of your passing or incapacitation. It allows you to designate someone you trust to manage your accounts and digital assets. This feature is typically associated with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram but can also apply to other services and apps, and even mobile devices themselves.

When you set a legacy contact, the person you designate can perform specific actions on your account, such as:

  1. Memorialize your profile (on platforms like Facebook and Instagram) to preserve your posts and memories.

  2. Respond to friend requests and update your profile picture and cover photo.

  3. Write a pinned post on your profile to share important information or messages.

  4. Request the removal of your account if you no longer wish it to be active.

This feature helps ensure that your digital presence is managed according to your wishes and can be a valuable tool for your loved ones during difficult times. Choosing a trusted individual who understands your preferences for managing your online presence and respecting your privacy is essential. 

Adding a Legacy Contact to your devices and digital accounts is a responsible step towards ensuring your loved ones can access your digital assets when the time comes. It only takes a few minutes but can make a world of difference.

Do you have a will, trust, or estate question? Call us today at 215-362-2474 or contact us to arrange an initial consultation with one of our wills, trusts, and estates attorneys.

Reference sources:

How to Set Up Legacy Contacts for Your Online Accounts

Adding a Legacy Contact to Apple Devices

Add, Change or Remove Legacy Contacts on Facebook

Android/Google Inactive Account Manager